Galaxybase, TigerGraph, Nebula Graph, JanusGraph Jan. 20, 2022
As the first domestic native, distributed, and MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) graph database for enterprise, Galaxybase provides one-step solution to large scale graph data store and computation. Itstores data in vertexes, edges, and properties with index-free adjacency for optimum processing of CRUD operations. A distributed and parallel computing framework is built on top of thenativegraph store for efficient large scale graph computations.
This benchmark examines the data loading and query performance of Galaxybase
Single Server, Tigergraph (abbr.Tiger), Nebula Graph (abbr. Nebula), and
JanusGraph (abbr. Janus).
Tests included in this benchmarkare as follows:
This section describes the graph systems tested, the hardware platforms, the software environmentand the datasets used.
This benchmark is performed in a multi-machine environment with 3 nodes and all graph databases are tested with servers of the same configuration. Table 1 demonstrates details of the configuration
Server Configuration | |
We use three publicly available datasets. The first one is synthetic, from the Kronecker graph generator. The second one is a well-known Twitter follower dataset. And the third one is the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) Social Network Benchmark (SNB) Scale-Factor 10Kdataset.
Name | Description | Vertices (Million) | Edges (Million) | RawSize(GB) |
Graph 500 | Synthetic Kronecker graph | 2.4 M | 67 M | 1 G |
Twitter-2010 | Twitter user-follower directed graph | 41.6 M | 1470 M | 24.6 G |
SF10 | LDBC benchmarks benchmarks | 29.98 M | 170 M | 8.3 G |
Data loading tests examine the following two areas:
For each graph database, we select the most favorable method for bulk loading of the initial data.Loading Methods for Each Database
Name | Loading API or Method |
Galaxybase | galaxybase-load tool |
TigerGraph | GSQL declarative loading job |
Nebula Graph | Nebula Graph Importer tool |
JanusGraph | Java program which uses TinkerPop API to add vertices andedges |
Every graph database tested has its data storage path, and in this test we use du -sh command to get the summary of a grand total storage size of the loaded data. The following Table 5 depicts the respective storage directory of each graph database.
Name | Storage Directory |
Galaxybase | ${galaxybase-home}/db/store/${graphIndex} |
TigerGraph | ${tigergraph-home}/gstore |
Nebula Graph | /usr/local/nebula/data/storage/nebula |
JanusGraph | ${cassandra-home}/data/data/${graph-name} |
Dataset | Graph 500 |
Testing Item | Galaxybase | Tiger | *Nebula | Janus |
Loading Time(sec) | 67.1 s | 62.0 s | 170.0 s | 6360.0 s |
Storage Size | 2.4 G | 855.0 M | 1.9 G | 2.5 G |
Raw Size | 1.0 G | |||
Dataset | Twitter-2010 | |||
Loading Time(sec) | 1311.1 s | 1044.0 s | 5556.0 s | 115060.0 s |
Storage Size | 47.0 G | 20.8 G | 42.0 G | 50.0G |
Raw Size | 24.6 G | |||
Dataset | SF10 | |||
Loading Time(sec) | 315.0 s | 124.0 s | 688.0 s | 13317.0 s |
Storage Size | 10.6 G | 7.3 G | 8.5 G | 48.0G |
Raw Size | 8.3 G |
The query performance tests examine the following three areas:
The K-hop path query, which asks for the total count of the vertices that have a k-hop pathfromastarting vertex, is a classic measure for graph traversal performance.
3.1.1 Query Methodology
For each dataset, we measure the query response time for the following queries: Count all 1-hop-path endpoint vertices for 100 fixed random seeds, with timeout set to3minutes/query. Count all 2-hop-path endpoint vertices for 100 fixed random seeds, with timeout set to3minutes/query. Count all 3-hop-path endpoint vertices for 100 fixed random seeds, with timeout set to 1 hour/query. Count all 4-hop-path endpoint vertices for 100 fixed random seeds, with timeout set to 1 hour/query. Count all 5-hop-path endpoint vertices for 100 fixed random seeds, with timeout set to 1 hour/query. Count all 6-hop-path endpoint vertices for 100 fixed random seeds, with timeout set to 1 hour/query
We implement the query in the query language of each database: JavaAPI (bfsMaster)forGalaxybase, GSQL for TigerGraph, Gremlin for JanusGraph, and nGQL for Nebula Graph.
1. In the selection of sample data, two issues should be considered: 1) The traversal capabilitycannot be fully demonstrated if the number of outedge is too small; 2) An unreasonablylargedifference between outedge number of samples will lead to huge disparities of executiontime,hence a reduction in the guiding significance revealed by the statistical average. Toavoidthesuch problems, we choose 100 fixed random seeds, each of whose outedge number is 1000.
2. To focus on the graph traversal and to minimize the network output time, we output onlythesizeof the k-hop-path neighborhood, rather than the complete list of vertices.
3. The query results of the graph database systems have been successfully cross-validatedforreliability.
4. A path length more than 3 hops is much more challenging for most of the databases. Therefore,despite the raised timeout threshold per query from 3 minutes to 1 hour, JanusGraphstill runsout of memory or fails to finish the execution within 1 hour. To keep the test manageable, wereduce the total number of trials from 100 to 10, with the top ten samples selected.
3.1.2 Testing Results
Testing Item | Response Time (ms) | Average Neighbor Number | ||||
Dataset | Hops | Galaxybase | Tiger | Nebula | Janus |
Graph 500 | 1-hop | 5 | 5 | 4 | 26 | 984 |
2-hop | 127 | 936 | 3610 | 19970 | 497163 | |
3-hop | 643 | 2021 | 80444 | 1286613 | 1754778 | |
4-hop | 1092 | 2466 | 167263 | 2424954 | 1814567 | |
5-hop | 1120 | 2880 | 251247 | 2482932 | 1819468 | |
6-hop | 1153 | 3318 | 336603 | 2488557 | 1820878 |
Testing Item | Response Time (ms) | Average Neighbor Number | ||||
Dataset | Hops | Galaxybase | Tiger | Nebula | Janus |
Twitter-2010 | 1-hop | 5 | 5 | 6 | 27 | 1001 |
2-hop | 457 | 1458 | 18268 | 74558 | 1990879 | |
3-hop | 8052 | 12416 | 2142757 | *N/A | 22949457 | |
4-hop | 18569 | 24326 | *N/A | *N/A | 33384879 | |
5-hop | 22592 | 26553 | *N/A | *N/A | 34855258 | |
6-hop | 23291 | 27435 | *N/A | *N/A | 34999822 |
Query response time for 1-hop query (ms)
Query response time for 2-hop query (ms)
Query response time for 3-hop query (ms)
Query response time for 4-hop query (ms)
Query response time for 5-hop query (ms)
Query response time for 6-hop query (ms)
3.1.3 Conclusions
The Shortest Path Algorithm calculates the shortest path between a pair of vertices. It’s useful foruser interactions and dynamic workflows because it works in real-time.The 100 sets of samples consist of five groups, each accounting for 20%and the correspondingpathlength ranging from 1 to 5 hops. Timeout is set to 5 minutes/query.
3.2.1 Testing Results
Testing Item | Query Response Time (ms) | |||
Dataset | Galaxybase | Tiger | Nebula | Janus |
Graph 500 | 36 | 1505 | 13205 | 64244 |
Twitter-2010 | 65 | 4403 | 99192 | 95568 |
3.2.2 Conclusions
In this section we compare the execution time of database running analytic queries (PageRank,Weakly Connected Component and Label Propagation Algorithm) on Graph 500 and Twitter 2010respectively.
3.3.1 Testing Results
Testing Item | Average Response Time (sec) | ||||
Dataset | Algorithm | Galaxybase | Tiger | Nebula | Janus |
Graph 500 | PageRank | 1.25 | 11.49 | unsupported | unsupported |
WCC | 0.60 | 10.11 | unsupported | unsupported | |
LPA | 3.70 | 33.32 | unsupported | unsupported | |
Twitter-2010 | PageRank | 54.21 | 227.65 | unsupported | unsupported |
WCC | 12.15 | 247.01 | unsupported | unsupported | |
LPA | 164.51 | 728.97 | unsupported | unsupported |
1. PageRank is an iterative algorithm which traverses every edge during every iterationandcomputes a score for each vertex. After several iterations, the scores will converge tosteadystatevalues. For our experiment, we run 10 iterations
2. A weakly connected component (WCC) is the maximal set of vertices and their connectingedges which can reach one another, if the direction of directed edges is ignored. The WCCqueryfinds and labels all the WCCs in a graph. This query requires every vertex and everyedgebetraversed.
3. Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) is a fast algorithm for finding communities inagraph. In LPA, vertices select their group based on their direct neighbors. This process is well suitedtonetworks where groupings are less clear and weights can be used to help a vertexdeterminewhich community to place itself within.
4. Unsupported: The algorithm cannot be called directly from the database.
Average Response Time (sec) based on Graph 500
Average Response Time (sec) based on Twitter-2010
3.3.2 Conclusions
We run the stress testing with 100 virtual users using the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC)Social Network Benchmark (SNB) Scale-Factor 10K (SF10) dataset. To test the concurrentperformance of graph databases, the same type of request is rent to the database at the sametime.This test is a practical method for testing the concurrent performance of graph databases.
The following three testing areas are covered using SF10 dataset in the context of 100concurrentexecutions for a duration of 5 minutes:
1. Find vertex, edge
2. Add vertex, edge
3. Modify vertex, edge
Samples for this stress testing are as follows:
1. Vertex sample: Vertex type is Comment. Sample data are collected from all vertex IDs fromSF10dataset.
2. Edge sample: Edge type is Person_Likes_Person, directing from Person to Post. Sampledataarecollected from all vertex IDs from SF10 dataset.
Testing Item | Processing requests per second (throughput/s) | ||||
Dataset | Item | Galaxybase | Tiger | Nebula | Janus |
SF10 | Find Vertex | 36736 | 1856 | 5410 | 76 |
Find Edge | 35356 | 1921 | 5823 | 34 | |
Add Vertex | 35300 | 5234 | 6591 | 47 | |
Add Edge | 16169 | 5066 | 6384 | 41 | |
Modify Vertex | 35589 | 5225 | 6340 | 64 | |
Modify Edge | 6881 | 5077 | 5460 | 27 |